

Missional Yatra India is envisioned to transform the weaker sections in urban societies through holistic education and social action whereby trainining missiologically every Christian of every Church in Indian cities to be mission-oriented akin to the Apostolic Church in order to fulfill the Great Commission of Jesus Christ witnessing glocally in the whole world (Entire Creation) by the whole Church (Every Christian) with the whole Gospel (Providential & Redemptive) as re-affirmed in the Lausanne Covenant 1974


Missional Yatra India is committed to transform the Churches unto Missional Churches and Christians unto missional Christians for further transformation of social order holistically, and thus, introduced Center for Holistic Education to equip the Christians with biblico-centric theological and missiological education, and the urban pastors with Transformational Urban Leadership through multi-campus based non-residential training programs incorporated with contact classes, seminars, and extra curricula activities with an ultimate aim to make out entire Christians’ participation in God’s Mission to transform the society spiritually, socially, economically, and politically.


Center for Holistic Education, which is introduced to fulfill the vision of Missional Yatra India is affiliated with India Institute of Missiology (IIM), which is an integral part of Indian Missions Association. IIM programs are recognized/accepted by almost all Christian organizations in India and overseas both for ministries and higher studies. IIM has got an affiliate status mutually from Asia Theological Association as well.

Meet the Team

  • Rev. (Dr.) Hruda Ranjan Lohora
    [ President & Founder

    Rev. (Dr.) Hruda Ranjan Lohora is the founder of Missional Yatra India and has been leading this Mission since day one.

  • Rt. Rev.(Dr.)Paul Dupare
    [ Advisor ]

    Rt. Rev. Dr. Paul Dupare, the Bishop of Nagpur Diocesan Council (CNI) is the advisor and well wisher of the Lay-Leaders Training Programs.

  • Dr. Anuj Patro
    [ Chief Academic Advisor ]

    Dr. Anuj Patro is helping CHE as the Chief Academic Advisor and one of the senior adjunct instructors.

  • Dr. Ed Scearce
    [ Well-Wisher ]

    Dr. Ed Scearce, who is one of the well-wishesr of this mission, has inaugurated the missiological education, and has been praying for the well-being of this mission.


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