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    Graduation Program

    Diploma in Christian Ministry Graduates of 2013-14 with faculty.

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    Graduation Program

    Diploma in Christian Ministry Graduates of 2013-14 with faculty.

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    Graduation Program

    Diploma in Christian Ministry Graduates of 2013-14 with faculty.


Missional Yatra India is emerged out of a passion to transform the Community with Christ-like character, vision, and ambition through their vigorous participation in God’s Mission holistic in nature (Social, Missional, and Ecological).

This mission was introduced when an inner voice spoke to Rev. Hruda Ranjan Lohora on January 11, 2012 to initiate a Church-based training program for the professionals, pastors, evangelists, employees, school going youths, and housewives, who are willing, but unable to go to a Bible College for a theological training owing to various reasons. This program is aimed to transform the Christians unto Missional Christians and the Churches unto Missional Churches, and thereby societal transformation. After six months of prayer and waiting for God’s direction, the ground work to commence the program was begun on August 7, 2012 with a clear purpose to strengthen the Church of God equipping with missiological education so as to make out the active participation of entire Christians in God's mission in emerging globalized context.

For the facilitation of education and other charitable activities in India, Missional Yatra India (MY INDIA) has been legally registered on February 4, 2013 as one of the Charitable Trusts of India at Nagpur under section 29 of the provisions of Bombay Public Trust Act 1950 and Bombay Public Trust Rules 1951.

I personally invite such Christians to come forward with a zeal for missiological education inter-cultural in nature to be able to value their role in their local Churches, and partake in God’ Mission through their life and potential ministerial involvements in their business centers/market places/work places to be able to make a difference in the community.

Rev.(Dr.) Hruda Ranjan Lohora


Slum Children

Invest in a slum child by helping him/her $ 50 monthly or $ 600 yearly for good education.

Hand Pump

Donate for a hand pump boring well for a preschool in a slum ($ 2000).

Pre-School under construction

Invest in the slum children by establishing an educational center in a slum ($ 1500)


Core Values

  • Foundational :
    * Glorifies God above All Else
    * Highest Honor to God's Word
    * Enthusiastic Devotion to Prayer
    * Selflessness Commitment to God
    * Spirit Controlled Life and Service

  • Functional :
    * Honesty
    * Harmony
    * Team Work
    * Servant Leadership
    * Goal Oriented

  • Methodological :
    * Building Inter-Personal Relationship
    * Respecting all humanity with humility
    * Prioritizing the Marginalized in the Community
    * Worldview Based Missiological Training
    * Missional Church Multiplication



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